About THe Exeter Business Club

The benefits of the business club ebc

About EBC

About Ebc

The Exeter Business Club is a non-profit making, networking and referral group where local business people come together to support each other and help grow their businesses.

Formed in 2010 the group was born out of a desire to create a networking group that was relaxed and fun but at the same time focused and productive. Unlike other networking groups there is no pressure to make referrals and recommendations. However, as the trust between members grows and friendships form recommendations naturally happen.

Our one business per profession rule avoids internal competition and maximises the benefit to each member.

All our members are responsible for running a business so we have a strong focus on sharing knowledge and developing skills with weekly presentations and quarterly half-day workshops.

We also have regular ‘fears in a hat’ sessions where members can share their business concerns and use the experience of other members to help address them.

If this sounds like a group you’d like to be part of please join us for a visit. To reserve a place as a guest at one of our meetings please contact the Membership Secretary.

Please click here for more information on how the club is run.


Benefits of Membership

Weekly breakfast meetings

Modest annual membership fees

One membership per business category

Build business relationships in a friendly atmosphere

Raise your business profile

Gain new business from recommendations

Provide referrals for other members – be their sales force

Support and learn from each other

Source of trusted suppliers

A source of practical/technical/business advice

Up-to-date advice on trends, legislation and technology

Develop opportunities for joint work to provide a fuller service to your clients

Problem solving sessions

Opportunity for 1:1 meetings after breakfast

Informative presentations

Guest speakers

Excellent networking opportunities

Friendship and camaraderie

Owned and run by members

Not for profit – excess funds used for the benefit of the members.

About Ebc

About the Exeter Business Club

There’s a lot of business networking opportunities these days, with new meetings springing up monthly, so what makes the Exeter Business Club different?

Well, to start with, the Club is owned and run by the members – it exists only for the members and not to generate profit for an owner.

Secondly, it’s informal and fun – the Club prides itself on a really friendly and welcoming atmosphere and the meetings are varied and really enjoyable.

The Club is a bunch of dynamic and lively group of business owners and senior managers who meet weekly on a Friday morning to network, share knowledge and promote their businesses, get help and support and, above all, to have fun.

If you are looking for a relaxed atmosphere where people enjoy each other’s company, help each other and derive real business benefits then Exeter Business Club could be just the place for you.


Join Us

Joining the Exeter Business Club couldn’t be easier – just join us on a Friday morning and try it out for yourself. If you like it (and we think you will) then complete our simple application form and pay your annual subscription of just £75 (cheques made payable to Exeter Business Club).

You are welcome to attend up to three of our meetings to get a feel for whether you’d like to join.

If you’d like to come along as a guest


To reserve a place as a guest at one of our meetings please contact us.