How the club is run

The Roles within the Club

  1. The Chair – is responsible for the overall running of the Club and for leading the weekly meetings.
  2. The Vice Chair – is responsible for covering in the Chair’s absence and assisting all other Committee members where necessary.
  3. The Secretary – is responsible for organising the breakfast venue, taking meeting fees and issuing receipts accordingly, keeping attendance records and notifying members of any changes/alterations to the meetings. Also jointly responsible with the Membership Secretary for the bank account, recording all financial transactions and producing an Income and Expenditure account at the AGM, which has been independently reviewed by the Treasurer.
  4. The Membership Secretary – is responsible for keeping membership details up to date, collecting subscriptions when due and advising the Committee and the Club of any changes. Also, welcoming visitors to the meetings, accepting applications from potential new members and processing those applications. Also jointly responsible with the Secretary for the bank account, recording all financial transactions and producing an Income and Expenditure account at the AGM, which has been independently reviewed by the Treasurer.
  5. The Meeting Co-ordinator – is responsible for planning the programme of weekly meetings, ensuring that members deliver at least one presentation to the Club a year either about their business or on a topic of interest to the Club, booking relevant Guest Speakers and diarising discussion sessions. Also jointly responsible with the Social Secretary for organising any Seminars the Club may choose to run.
  6. The Social Secretary – is responsible for a programme of social events throughout the year as well as co-ordinating the Club attendance at any external functions. Also jointly responsible with the Meeting Co-ordinator for organising any Seminars the Club may choose to run.
  7. The Treasurer – is responsible for providing independent and objective assurance that the Club’s finances are being managed correctly. Also, in conjunction with the Secretary and Membership Secretary, responsible for producing a final Income and Expenditure account at the AGM.
  8. Other roles will be allocated to members at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

The Election of the Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee comprises of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Meeting Co-ordinator, Social Secretary and the Treasurer.
  2. Election of the Executive Committee to take place once a year at the AGM to be held on the first Friday in March.
  3. Any member may volunteer for a position and will be elected by a show of hands.
  4. Committee Members, with the exception of the Treasurer, will hold office for a maximum of one year but can stand for election to an alternative post in the subsequent year. Members may not serve on the Committee for more than 2 consecutive years.
  5. If a Committee Member resigns before the end of the year an election will be held as soon as possible to replace them.
  6. Committee Members are volunteers and will receive no remuneration but will not pay for membership of the Club during their year of office.
  7. Committee Members are entitled to be reimbursed for any reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out their roles
  8. At least 4 members of the Executive Committee must be present at a meeting for a quorum if any decisions are to be made.

Membership and Attendance

  1. Membership is open to any individual representing a local business, trading as a sole trader, partnership or limited company, with acceptance of membership at the discretion of the existing members with a final decision, in the advent of disagreement, being made by the Executive Committee.
  2. The member will be the owner, partner, director or other lead decision maker of the organisation they represent.
  3. Only one member from each business classification will be granted membership at any one time.
  4. Classifications with specialist components may be divided accordingly after consultation with the original member of that classification. The final decision remains with the Executive Committee.
  5. Regular attendance is required as a basic commitment but where attendance is not possible only a substitute from the member’s business can attend in the member’s absence.
  6. Membership will be reviewed if attendance levels falls below 60%. If the Executive Committee feels a member’s attendance rate below that level was not acceptable the Members will be asked to vote on whether that membership should be revoked.
  7. Memberships start on 1st February. If a member joins part-way through the year, their membership fee is a pro-rata of the annual fee.
  8. Membership of the Club will be limited to 35 active members at any one time. Prospective members may apply to join and will be placed on a waiting list until a vacancy becomes available.
  9. If the club has reached its capacity of 35 active members the Members and Executive Committee can use their discretion to accept applications from any role not already represented in the club that would be of great benefit to the club.


  1. The Members and Executive Committee will decide the frequency, day and venue of Club Meetings.
  2. The Secretary will collect the agreed meeting fees from each member or visitor. This fee is set by the Executive Committee and is subject to change.
  3. Members are required to advise the Secretary by the agreed time before the meeting if they are unable to attend, are sending a substitute or bringing a guest.


  1. In order that the Club may grow to its maximum membership as advised by the Executive Committee, members are encouraged to invite prospective new members to the meetings, provided that the classification of the visitor’s profession is vacant.
  2. Visitors will be required to pay the relevant meeting fee in full.
  3. Visitors can apply to join the club on/after their third visit. Their membership application must be approved before their fourth visit.


  1. The Secretary, in conjunction with the Membership Secretary, shall be responsible for maintaining complete records of income and expenditure.
  2. The Executive Committee can authorise expenditure of up to £100 on any one item without needing the approval of the Members. Expenditure over that amount must be authorised by the Members at a weekly meeting.
  3. The Secretary, in conjunction with the Membership Secretary, shall be responsible for any other funds generated and in their control.
  4. The annual membership fee will be reviewed at the AGM each year.
  5. The financial year shall be from 1st February to 31st January.
  6. A regular review of accounts will be carried out by the Treasurer on behalf of the Members.
  7. Meeting fees for members are charged monthly and are paid in advance by standing order into the Club’s bank account.
  8. Meeting fees for visitors are charged per visit and are paid by bank transfer, cash or cheque on arrival at the relevant meeting.
  9. Any work carried out or service provided by a Member in his/her professional business capacity on the instructions of the Executive Committee should be remunerated at an agreed rate.
  10. If any Member has a good, costed proposal to offer to the Executive Committee for using some of the Club’s financial reserves, such proposal should be forwarded to the Secretary. If the Executive Committee then feel that the proposal is viable it will be submitted to the Members for consideration.

Charitable Support

  1. At the AGM each year the Members will vote on whether to support a Charity / Charities during the following financial year.
  2. They will also vote on the size of a donation which will be paid immediately following the AGM.

As at 1st September 2021 the following charges are in place:

  1. Joining Membership Fee – £25.00 per annum
  2. Annual Membership Fee – £50.00 pro-rata
  3. Member’s Meeting Fees – £50.00 per calendar month
  4. Visitor’s Meeting Fees (where applicable) – £15.00 per meeting

Matters of Concern
Should any matters of concern arise, members should contact the Chair in confidence with a view to resolving the matter. Should the matter not be resolved satisfactorily a complaint should be made in writing to the Secretary who will arrange an Executive Committee meeting; the Chair will report back to the member.

Data Protection

  1. It is the Club policy to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 whereupon all member details and records are confidential and for the purpose of Club records only.
  2. Data will be processed fairly and lawfully.
  3. Data will be collected and processed for only one or more specified purposes.
  4. Data held will be adequate for its purpose or purposes but not excessive or irrelevant.
  5. Data will be accurate, and where required, up to date.
  6. Data will not be kept for longer than necessary.
  7. Data will be processed in accordance with the rights of the data subject under the Act.
  8. Data will be kept securely and the Club will guard against its loss.