Free 30-minute chat with a HR Expert

Open Clinic

Have a free non obligation 30-minute chat with one of the team from The HR Dept Exeter

Your employees are the most important asset to your business.  When everything is going well HR can often get overlooked!  However when there is an issue it can take much of your time and energy, which means you are not steering your business forward.  We want to help you “Prevent People Problems” in your business and to proactively manage your team rather than be reactive to problems.

Our team of qualified HR professionals undergo continued professional development to ensure we remain up to date with any changes to employment law and working practices.  We cover the A-Z of human resources, everything from contracts, disciplinary matters, grievances, Job Retention Scheme through to Restructure, redundancy and TUPE.  Although we can help with the nice stuff too!

On the third Thursday of the month during 2021 we will be offering a free 30 minute no obligation clinic to discuss any HR issue which is causing you concern.  As an outsourced HR provider to SME’s you won’t shock us, no matter how big or small your query!  Or simply use us as a sounding board to check the course you are taking with an issue is legally compliant from an employment perspective.

Book now and we will arrange your 30 minute telephone or zoom slot.

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